During this ECQ, it realized that nothing is truly set in stone. Our daily circumstances may change and shock us but this is no excuse to avoid problems and challenges. On the contrary, this should only fuel our desire for self and world improvement.
This pandemic has not only tested our ability to adapt to our ever-changing world but also our sense of empathy and camaraderie. Those under the poverty line suffer the most yet overprivileged folks, blinded by the light from their flat 8k resolution screen t.v., only see their
struggles to live as undisciplined actions. Fortunately, not everyone is insensitive. Good samaritans and uncaped heroes such as healthcare workers and frontliners assist the poor and the infected while risking their own lives in the process. Showing your gratitude is not enough,
we must follow their lead by observing proper hygiene and social distancing. In this battle, no one is alone. Let us settle our differences and face the problem with determined hearts and optimistic minds.
I guess it's time to share how I made myself productive, huh.

Oh boy, looks like I'll be using that overused "Ako na lang lagi naghuhugas huhuhu hustisya naman mama bakit ganon" meme. Yes, I do the cleaning and while I'm at it, my mind goes into a state of total tranquility; it's just me, my thoughts, and the nine feet tall stack of dishes.
But I didn't just do the cleaning, I also do the painting...of our entire house. And it felt soothing, diverting your mind from a worldwide threat that has already taken countless unfortunate lives with a fast spreading pace by unevenly applying paint on walls.
The next thing I do is learning new skills. This includes studying, stressing out, studying AND stressing out but mostly stressing out.
Jokes aside, I think this ECQ has given us the perfect opportunity to reflect on our own flaws and do something to either cherish and/or change them. Whether it may be something trivial or meaningful, our own thoughts will continue to shape ourselves and the people around us.
And to finish this thread, it's time for the things I will do after the ECQ part, hehe. Wow you endured this unnecessarily lengthy thread/essay.

Well, the first thing I'll do would probably be celebrating the world's triumph over one massive biological threat, which means going to twitter and joining the nationwide hashtag, maybe.
Second, recognizing the efforts of our frontliners and continuously observing proper hygiene and diet.
Third and lastly, moving on in life but still acknowledging the values and learnings I had in our current situation.
Bilolo, Roger James B.
STEM 11-01
You can follow @rgrbilobilo.
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