For all who want to purchase music to support artists, here are some clear answers how much money arrives at the artist:

Physical CD:
At concert sales 👍( if organisized by the artists- big stars usually have a store or their agencies doing it)
Artists website 👍
Bandcamp 👍
Amazon 👎
CD-Shops 👎
If the artist had signed a buy-out contract, he/she once got a fee but will NEVER see money for any sales or streams. Also contracts with participation in sales will not make them rich ( anymore)

Bandcamp 👍
Amazon,ITunes etc again depends
on contract. For buy-out or non-artist-friendly contracts 👎, for indie musicians 👍

In general you need LOTS of clicks to create an income with that.
And again it depends in the way of release how much of that little money will arrive at the artist.
But each click
feeds algorhythms
Youtube: It depends.
If the artist published on his/her own channel and has no one claiming rights ( remember big companies claiming Mozart????) plus you have more than 1000 followers plus more than 4000 hours listened in the last year, then YouTube will
monetize your channel.

You will now understand why my last 2 CDs were published by myself.
I had two CDs as soloist with a non-artist-friendly contract, a buy-out as member of a guitar quartet, one as member of orchestra where my name is not mentioned and now 2 published by
I have millions of clicks on YouTube but these blockbuster videos are not published in my channel.
My channel has more than 2000 fans but not enough hours.

What you loose with self publishing :
The (publicity) network of big companies, reviews in big journals etc.
But have a look at numbers of sales that are enough to reach classical charts (yes, sometimes they are leaked)... then I prefer to have complete artistic freedom to record what is important for me!
( My most important CD would not exist if I would have thought of money, 2016
women composers was an adventorous theme. I recorded it just for my personal pleasure and for karma points !)

So please continue to support us artists with listening to our music, stream, CD and hopefully soon live again!!
You can follow @gitarra.
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