So, yesterday was 4/20 and I really missed smoking and I remembered herbal cigarettes exist. So while I did not have weed, I did have herbs and such shdhdjdj
So long story short I had dried rose petals I grew, dried rosemary I got from a friend as a gift and cut some of the dried parts of the oregano plant up front. I “ground” everything up using scissors dhdjjdjd
I actually got it to a decent grind. I used an index card as a crutch and cut an origami paper into a 1 1/4 size “rolling paper.” So I rolled a really shitty herbal cigarette
It wasn’t rolled super tight because of my grip and hand issues but it was decent. I smoked it in my room which was a mistake SHDHJDD
It smelled great and the crutch worked great. I smoked a third of it, it was just making too much smoke in here Jdjdjdjd
It felt great to actually smoke something like wow I love that feeling in my throat. And I didn’t cough ayeeee
Get this though, I put it out using the inside of a shell I took home from the beach djfjjdjdjdjd
I know this thread is ridiculously... white hipster sounding, but it was a great experience for me
I had to open all my windows and turn on the fan and shit. So next time I will take the rest of it (and any more I roll because I still have more in a mason jar) outside to smoke
Next time I go on a walk I’ll probably smoke it on the top of the hill. I just hope the smell gets off my shit by the time I get home djdjdjdj
Although, it does just smell like herbs at least. And it’s not like it’ll get me high or anything
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