Donald Trump made no national plan for testing.
He has no national plan for testing.
He is making no national plan for testing.
He has no plan to make a plan to plan on a national plan for testing.

His response is not virus management. It's blame management.
He has no interest—none—in human life. The entire response is centered around one topic: the perfection of Donald Trump, who made no mistakes, who above all must take no responsibility and collect all credit.
The response of governors, which may be criticized, is more popular with people, because even if imperfect, it centers on the health of people.

Trump's plan, which can only be perfect, has nothing at all to do with people. It has only to do with himself.
Because of Republican disenfranchisement strategies, Republicans have no electoral incentive to save lives in cities. All that remains is a moral incentive.

Their morals can be traced with exacting fidelity by the degree they answer this incentive.
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