Ok so this is purely objective and I just want to bring this to light. (A thread begins now). *US govt. handling COVID19 - THREAD
Trump: *travel bans to and from China* (Jan 21, 2020)

CNN and other biased news media: “that’s racist! Unecessary! WHO doesn’t even recommend it.

New York Lawmakers: “totally unnecessary. There’s should be no reason not to go out to your fav restaurants and to use the subways”
Might I add that while during the US state of address, COVID was being brought up by Trump, Pelosi Rios his speech.
- also, while being impeached, Trumpnwas already addressing COVID.
Fast forward to March: *Trumps issues lockdown*

Every biased news media, lawmakers, and idiots: “IT’S TRUMPS FAULT! He’s making bad decisions and now the US death toll has risen.
End of examples here*** bruh there’s so much evidences I’d this man. Y’all can’t blame the POTUS for this. Those who speak out against him are really the ones at fault here. And this is completely objective (provided with subjective data)
Again, I’m neither republican nor democrat, but I lean towards conservative values because, THOSE SAME VALUES are CHRISTIAN-LIKE. And I was brought up with it. I don’t always agree with Trump, but he also makes points that I love...
Conclusion: don’t believe the mainstream news media as well as biased social media. They’re the ones benefiting from making headlines. While people are out of jobs, they make money because of this chaos. They are the privileged. Make your own conclusions.
Don’t let the mainstreams tell you how to think. Make your own research and conclusions.
Above all, trust God. Don’t let the invisible enemy (COVID19) be bigger than the God of creation and life. - END THREAD!
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