1/ QUESTION- What are Irish friends doing and/or advising in terms of rentpaying? I want to be clear that I am lucky & privileged enough to be comfortable, I’m not looking to dodge responsibilities for the sake of greed or anything here (though tbh other people’s greed is the ...
2/ reason for this question being necessary); I’m just curious as to how fellow liberals and also authorities are handling things as a matter of principle - I think there should be a rent pause for all of there is a mortgage pause for landlords. Am I doing more for/against this..
3/ cause by fighting alongside those who need legislation put in to protect them, setting a standard and a precedent by not paying; or by complying with rent as normal, as it is within my means to comply and so as not to rock the boat making it harder for those on the life raft?
Opinions welcome ofc but don’t bother if you’re gonna deliberately misunderstand me or aren’t coming at things from a POV that understands my intention/views in general (not adverse to hearing different views to mine; merely this thread is for comrades who already know the drill)
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