"how are u letting people on Twitter affect ur deen " have you guys forgotten the impact social media has on a person? if twitter can bring u closer to the deen, if it's used incorrectly it can push you away too. stop acting high and mighty just because u have a higher tolerance https://twitter.com/lishadin/status/1252303661784543237
do you really think RasulAllah ď·ş would be proud to see you people curse and provoke each other to 'leave islam' if they can't handle it? would he not, instead, prompt you to teach them the qualities of islam that make you love it the way that you do?
if you're so knowledgeable about Islam why aren't you as empathic as Islam instructs you to be? why are you so cold hearted? isn't kindness and Respect one of the best virtues a Muslim can have?
but no, you're on Twitterdotcom, cursing at your fellow brothers and sisters in Islam, telling them it'd be better if they left it than commit a sin or struggle. what an absolute shame. I'd like to see the state of yous when you're held accountable for these vile words.
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