found out a 40 y/o man made a hypersexualized pov of him giving me a massage and making racist insensitive remarks about my appearance and choices such as my hair
now i’m angry
i couldn’t even get 10 seconds in the fucker stuffed his bed with stuff the same way you stuff your bed when you’re sneaking out this is insanity
i’m not giving him the attention he wants, he keeps making videos about me bc they get views. im gonna see if i can handle it on my own and just reporting it with screen recording and screenshots
this guy has done extensive research on me... and in the video he even brings up the fact that i’m from sudan and then says some twisted shit about missionaries
anyway stop fetishizing black women. i’m not here to complete your fantasies. people love to forget we have feelings and thoughts too.
watching that video fucked me up i haven’t felt that gross in a long time
apparently this video is almost a month old but it’s BRAND NEW news to me i’m mad it was made at ALL
here’s the video it was dmed to me i guess you can cringe with me
if i’m not wrong this is that yungf00l guys older video about me
the point of this thread is just to show how creepy some individuals can be so keep yourself safe on the internet. dont disclose needless info and block when you can. also!!! tell people when stuff DOES happen, people give great advice and can give u support!! i luv y’all gn
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