Why do Nepalis think/believe that talking abt or raising caste-specific topics/issues will "bring more hate in the society" (see image below)?

Do Nepalis of castes hate each other but, as long as we DON'T talk about or bring up caste issues, treat each other nice? #caste #Nepal
Maybe the following is one of the reasons behind Nepalis not wanting to talk about/discuss/raise caste-related issues (because it makes people uncomfortable, especially the hill high caste Hindu men). https://twitter.com/Dorje_sDooing/status/1246035890528382976?s=20
I have also noticed people characterizing posts/tweets/ideas/conversations/discussions about #caste as "polarizing" d way d user below does. I asked why bcuz I really want to know his reasons. He didn't respond.

Anyway, why? (Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Dorje_sDooing/status/1252263319282409472.)
Another objection I have received to conversations/discussions about or tweets/posts/analysis on caste "creates a binary of us vs them." (For context, here's the original tweet: https://twitter.com/pbwdc/status/1193149123941171200).
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