I rasa I nak share pasal pengalaman I kena ovarian cyst dulu when I was 17 years old

p/s: bahasa I rojak and might have grammatical error 🙇🏻‍♀️
It has been 4 years since it happened. First, I dulu memang sejenis yang ada long period. My period selalunya 10-14 days. Siksa nak ganti puasa tu Allah je lah tau. But it was normal for me sebab I takde senggugut teruk ke apa. Cuma period je lah lama
And then there was one time, waktu ni tengah SPM (Nov 2015) tak silap I. Tengah ada exam gap. I tengah period and then suddenly malam tu I punya period pain like teruk gila nak mati sampai I bangun tidur 3 pagi I nangis nangis. I terus ws my bestfriend mengadu kat dia
She try to tenangkan I apa semua. Dia cakap maybe it just a normal period pain that I baru rasa. Tapi I macam pelik lah sebab I know my body is not like this. Plus seingat I waktu tu period hari kelima dah so period pain shouldnt happen now...
If I could rate the score pain haritu, it was 8.9/10. I memang nangis tak henti and I try cari the best position to sleep but tak boleh. Then I pasang surah yasin to help me sleep and alhamdulillah sangat I boleh tidur.

And then I tak ingat sama ada the next day I terus pergi -
Pergi klinik or I experienced another period pain baru I pergi klinik. I’m not sure but whatever it is I pergi klinik (Dec 2015) & the doctor yelah cam biasa bagi painkiller. She thought it was a normal period pain jugak. But the thing is I rasa dia tak check pun I betul betul
The doctor sentuh I pun tak 😅 I pun takdelah nak salahkan doctor 100% but rasa terkilan jugak lah. Then again, I dah habis period pun, sakit tu datang lagi. Whenever the pain datang, I nangis, makan painkiller pastu I tidur. And I tak tahu kenapa sakit dia tu attack teruk bila-
Bila I tidur je. Bila I sedar macam biasa, it does feel pain dekat area lower abdomen but tak sakit sangat lah. Ouh and another thing that helped me to ease the pain is by burping... Bila I keluarkan angin from my badan tu, I feel so much better
Since the pain is still on going eventhough I dah habis period, I went to another clinic (Jan 2016) & the doctor checked I properly tau. She tekan tekan my lower abdomen to see if there’s any abnormality. And yes doctor tu buat muka pelik pastu dia terus buat referral letter -
Pergi hospital terus. Dalam referral letter tu she suspected me ada ovarian cyst. And then I balik tu terus lah cari pasal ovarian cyst, type of ovarian cyst apa semua. Ada banyak jenis tau tapi yang tu you guys boleh buat research sendiri lah eh
Then I pergi hospital buat ultrasound and tadaaa. Yes waktu tu lah I confirm ada ovarian cyst, both right & left but paling besar kiri lah. 6.7cm x 8.9cm. Kanan was almost 4cm x 4cm. Waktu dah confirm tu I rasa kosong je sebab I rasa macam okayyy...
Then sampai lah hari operation (April 2016). Muka waktu ni happy lagi eh sebab belum operate lagi. Seronok makan itu ini. Tangkap gambar pe semua hdjdjjdjd. Korang tunggu esok muka sembab nangis macam mana 😂
Ok I nak explain what the doctor said to me. Doctor cakap I have to do caeserean section untuk buang the mass in the ovary since the size is quite big so they cannot proceed with laparoscopic surgery. They told me all the pros and cons, side effect and all. I just listened and —
Waktu tu my mom kat sebelah. My mom yg nangis. She said I’m too young for this padahal I okay je walaupun sedih sikit lah but okay je lah!!

Malam before surgery tu diorang bagi laxative (julap) to clean my bowel. And yes kena puasa after 12am. My surgery was at 8am the next day
Then skip lah sampai ke lepas operation. I sedar je dari sedative tu I terus nangis sebab painkiller dia bagi dah habis so I nangis sebab sakit 😭😭😭

And then I tengok lah kawasan operation tu, kemas je lah bersih tutup dengan plaster. Cuma ada kesan darah je lah
Ni muka I baru lepas nangis and suddenly kawan2 I datang melawat time tu jugak. I tak ingat I yang mintak Mcd or dorang bawak sendiri but yes lepas operation I terus makan ice cream. Sorry Dr 🙇🏻‍♀️
Btw I nak minta maaf tau. I cerita ni bukan pasal ovarian cyst je tau. Izinkan I cerita pasal benda lain jugak yang terjadi waktu ni 🥺 Because this memory is like one of the memorable memory lah in my life.

Then after 2 days of operation. I pun discharged dari hospital sambil—
Sambil nangis tengok ayah I bawakkan barang barang I and mak I pimpin I sebab I tak larat nak jalan. Waktu tu dengan rasa sakit, sedih, terharu. So I nangis je lah

Doctor cakap kat I “wahhh awak dah rasa dah c-section without having to deliver baby” 😂
After 2 days I discharged tu, it was majlis anugerah cemerlang SPM. Waktu tu result SPM dah keluar and alhamdulillah got good results and I dapat dua anugerah 🥺😭

and also I lost weight like crazy after the operation. Berat I 42kg kot tak silap???
Waktu I naik pentas and turun pentas tu I jalan slow mo je sebab yelah of course lah tak hilang lagi sakit tapi nak datang jugak bwekk 🤪

Ok then I nak cerita pasal what’s inside my ovary haritu sebab lepas operate baru boleh tahu kan apa yang cause the cyst kan
Doctor told me that for my case, the cyst happened due to the accumulation of the blood flow from my period. Waktu period, kita akan ada back flow of the blood tau. Either banyak atau sikit je and in my case dia banyak (sebab period I lama) and dia berkumpul dalam ovary
So apa yang dia remove haritu adalah like blood clot yg dah berkumpul tu. And doctor cakap waktu dia buang clot tu, the clot was almost the size as an orange. She said “fatin... imagine an orange inside your body” 😂

Anyway I really like the doctor sebab she’s so nice and funny
Ouh and she also explained about why bila I burp, I lebih lega. She said because of the size of my left ovary is big so dia push my bowel so bila badan I ada angin tu macam tak sedap lah. Haaa gitu. So benda yg I cerita awal awal tu ada sebab tau!

(sorry I tak jumpa gambar HD)
She also reminds me that the cyst mungkin akan jadi lagi. I remember patient sebelah katil I, dia dah operate buang cyst banyak kali and her cyst size was 14cm gais.. I yang 8cm pun nangis nak gila, can you guys imagine 14cm cyst in your body...
So what’s the precaution that I could take to avoid this ovarian cyst occur again?

-The doctor prescribed me with contraceptive pill sebab she said regular menstrual can prevent it from jadi lagi lah. So I pun makan je lah but now I dah stop. Sebab I dah malas beli hehe
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