1/2. A couple of weeks ago I tweeted a question about the Karen meme. I asked if anyone else thought it was a sexist, classist slur. At that. time I had no idea that it was used by some African-American women against racist white women. I just saw misogynistic white dudes use it
to tell feminists to STFU. A couple of racist sock puppet accounts then tweeted all kinds of ridiculous things including that 'Karen is the N-word' for white women. I found this grotesque. Nevertheless, despite the fact that I have no idea of its use by some Black women, I became
somehow responsible for the racism. So I will say very clearly, yet again, that NO, it was not me that use that comparison, it was someone wanting to whip up hatred, just for a change, against some feminists. I had no idea about the US version. The End.
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