'that's not love, love' (pg 12)

imagine being informed of corrupt leadership & instead of mass exodus the response is, “but i love my church/my pastor”. this is what trauma bonded house slave loving looks like, aka Stockholm syndrome.

this fake love is what upholds abusive hierarchies & sustains white supremacy.

slave consciousness is not a black thing or even *about* race, it’s a fear-bound man-pleasing spirit.

it’s that Stepford wife loving which acts like they don’t know, can’t see, & can’t do, as to not threaten another’s unhealed wounds. it’s that pander & please, enabler type loving. it’s that “yes sir, no sir, three bags full”, slave master loving.

it's the chorus of those who think what they’ve been told to think & say what they’ve been told to say. it’s that kiss your brains, your common sense, & your soul away type ‘faith’.

the slave mind is so well trained to submit to what they *perceive* as ‘authority’ or ‘power’, that they'll neglect the truth & their intuition in the process. imprinted with "obey your masters with fear & trembling" they learn to associate LOVE with fear & trembling.

this predatory grooming lulls them into a false sense of security to the point that they begin to find comfort in being lied to. in that ‘familiarity’ with the spirit of fear they consent to being violated, in turn becoming agents of harm.

then they wonder why their self-esteem is shot & why they’re trembling cowards. they’ll wonder why their integrity & discernment are nowhere to be seen.

having traded places with the spirit of manipulation they can no longer tell the difference.

this is how cults/systems of control thrive;

they programme people to fear thinking for themselves, speaking for themselves, to stop them intervening against evil. abusive organisation/personalities shut down scrutiny by making ‘examples’ of those who ask too many questions

this is how colonialistic/sociopathic empires are created.

then it’s attack of the clones & rejection of the herd for those who won’t conform to the demonic regime.

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