& it’s taken five years to get here https://twitter.com/orla_hegarty/status/1250360556063797251?s=21 https://twitter.com/orla_hegarty/status/1250360556063797251
& paying very high finance costs for private investment, when govt could borrow for free (PPPs are said to be like buying houses on a credit card) https://twitter.com/paulodonoghue93/status/1250733214148308992?s=21 https://twitter.com/paulodonoghue93/status/1250733214148308992
& missing the opportunity for limited available finance to be stretched further to build more homes https://twitter.com/orla_hegarty/status/1250368519495127040?s=21 https://twitter.com/orla_hegarty/status/1250368519495127040
European Court of Auditors on PPPs:‘widespread shortcomings & limited benefits’.. ‘value for money & transparency widely undermined.. by unclear policy & strategy, inadequate analysis, off-balance-sheet (that hides the true costs) & unbalanced risk-sharing’ https://www.epsu.org/article/european-court-auditors-report-public-private-partnerships-ppps
the ‘risk’ of PPPs highlighted by Carillion collapse that brought down a contract for schools in Ireland & caused contagion, liquidations, financial loss & delay across construction sector, govt report: https://ptfs-oireachtas.s3.amazonaws.com/DriveH/AWData/Library3/Report_on_PPPs_-_Carillion_Liquidation_Final_161429.pdf
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