The devil works hard, but Jesus works harder. Can I get an amen, saints? Let me tell y’all a cautionary tale.
I just went to the bathroom and noticed what looked like hair peeking out of the drain in my sink. I assumed it was a tumbleweave since mine sheds a little when I comb it. (I’m usually good about rinsing strays but we’re in a pandemic and I live alone, so ish happens, y’know?)
No matter. I turn on the water to rinse it away. And this thing suddenly springs to life with the strength of 10 men, wiggling and fighting to climb out of the drain. I damn near had a heart attack
It would not yield, so I broke out the Liquid Plumr and started pouring it over the thing, hoping that would send it back to the fiery depths of hell it had escaped from one way or another
It finally slipped down the drain into the abyss, and I ran away from the crime scene. Idk wtf that was, some kind of monster centipede or something, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna Google it and scare myself with pictures because that ish was nightmare fuel, y’all
Nature is coming back to reclaim its things, y’all, and this was yet another sign the Earth is NOT playing with us. We’re in danger, y’all 😫😱
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