Ppl in poverty don't fear failure. They fear literally starving. Forcing ppl to work to survive is slavery.

I wish everyone read Carl Rogers. & how poverty lowers IQ, reduces concentration, causes Sx of mental ill & just opposite of motivating. Real psych not social darwinst BS. https://twitter.com/mcuban/status/1252422477516423177
Carl Rogers really put it best. People succeed not when threatened with failure (which in case of poverty for generationally impoverished often means death) but when given freedom to and opportunity in an environment surrounded with unconditional positive regard.
Giving an unconditional floor via UBI is Rogerian as all get out. That's the philosophy that underlines much of the most successful psychotherapy. Because it's true. Unconditional positive regard (e.g. a UBI in economics) is motivating more than threat of failure ever will be.
IDK might delete this thread later, because I'm not an arguing type. Just venting my ongoing frustration with capitalists' backwards, slavery apologist thinking.
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