THREAD: We've created a short #ThrowbackTuesday thread to celebrate women from history who have had a huge impact on health/medicine 👏🌍 Grab a coffee and take a break while you read/watch, and take your mind off the current climate for a little while! #NOVID #CovidFreeContent
*There are millions of incredible women we could have included in this thread, but these are a few we thought you might not know or just want to find out more about!
Florence Nightingale: The founder of modern nursing.
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson: The first female doctor to qualify in England.
Rebecca Lee Crumpler: The first African-American woman to become a medical doctor in the US.
Marie Curie: Conducted pioneering research on radioactivity and the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in Physics.
Barbara McClintock: Discovered mobile genetic elements, or "jumping genes"
Helen O. Dickens: The first African American woman admitted to the American College of Surgeons.
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