A look at the org's backers reveals some familiar names, notably Ark, the academy school org that founded the Frontline social work training scheme, and Teach First, from which the CEO of Frontline graduated and subsequently based Frontline's model on. >>
'Chief Exec of Ambition Institute, Hilary Spencer, said:  “We’re delighted to have been invited to play a key role in this project.'"

Given Ambition Institute was founded by the principal of the Oak academy, such an invitation is hardly surprising... >>

Matt's other half, by the way, is Josh MacAlister, aforementioned CEO of the Frontline social work training scheme. Connections. Networks of influence. Well in with the DfE.

In for a penny, in for a pound. Tens of millions of pounds in fact.
The board and teaching staff of the Oak appear to be overwhelmingly white. This is notable in light of the fact many of the orgs backing this venture have a keen interest in disadvantaged schools where cultural and racial diversity are key. >> https://www.thenational.academy/about/ 
Indeed, aren't the Oak's free online resources likely to be used by pupils from those schools who don't have the resources to purchase the remote learning platforms and licenses used by better-off schools? >>

The rapid growth of this enterprise speaks of the value of being well connected. No doubt those involved have good intentions but the method & approach are deeply troubling.
That the current gov't is keen means this is one to watch re the advancement of the academies agenda. /
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