Confusing “some bad headlines” with “meaningful consequences” here.
Leveson: The only people who went to jail were sources and hacks Murdoch didn’t pay expenses for
Chilcot: Tony was all over TV yesterday
Saville: the Tories have been promising to ban for war crimes prosecutions
I’d say that inquiries probably haven’t achieved much if e.g. the government and papers then noisily endorse impunity for war crimes; if the people blamed can successfully lobby the government to have the inquiry abandoned, or if all papers ferociously defend the culprits now.
Shorter: somebody’s wilfully missing the point here and it isn’t Dawn, is it.
In these days of industrial blenders, it’s far easier to fit a camel through the eye of a needle than it is to send a senior Murdoch employee, policeman, army official or ex-Minister to prison, and the latter will take far more effort and funding.
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