So I've noticed that very often on Twitter, pregnancy and childbirth are talked about as very negative and scary experiences. This may well be the case for many women - and every experience is valid, every single pregnancy and birth story is unique. However...
I thought it'd be good to also highlight some of the good things that can happen to your body during pregnancy, and talk about positive birth experiences. It's not all bad and frightening, I've gone through it 3 times and had more happy moments than scary/difficult ones.
First let's talk about the positive effects on the body. You'll often hear people tell you that you're glowing, "your skin looks radiant". Pregnancy glow is caused by changes in hormones (increase in estrogen and androgen). Your hair can also get thicker and your nails stronger.
There are so many pregnancy symptoms but you may only suffer a couple of them. I had no sickness during my first 2 pregnancies. Sometimes I even forgot I was pregnant lol. I had some back pain and fatigue but everything else was pretty mild and manageable. I felt great most days.
Growing a life inside of you is such an amazing thing to go through. Seeing your baby on an ultrasound, hearing a heartbeat and getting reassurance that baby is fine, the kicks... 🥺 all these things will bring you joy. Usually the highlights of the journey, when all goes well 🙏🏿
And then let's talk about the other little pro's that come with pregnancy.
You get to eat. A lot!
You *should* be resting more. Employers are required (by law) to be a lot more accommodating.
Many women experience better sex too, due to increased blood flow in the pelvic area.
I found that people were particularly helpful and present when I was pregnant. You'll be pampered or looked after in one way or another. Maybe even VIP treatment in public places. Maternity leave just before baby arrives is an enjoyable period, a time to rest and to nest.
As for giving birth: Contractions are obviously very painful but our bodies know what to do. Oxytocin is released to trigger the contractions to start off labour. You begin to adapt to it. It may happen quicker than you think. The way my daughter came out lol. She was ready 😬
And don't ever feel bad for having to resort to pain relief, it's there for a reason. There are many ways to manage the pain, from gas and air, to epidurals... do what you gotta do.
Also, don't let anyone make you feel like having a C-section makes you less of a woman.
Once the baby comes out, more oxytocin is involved! Baby is usually placed on your chest, if all goes well. This moment is pure bliss. Your body relaxes (while it prepares to deliver the placenta). Really wish we could talk about this moment more, hearing the baby cry etc. 🥺💛
Yes you may get a tear, things may get difficult at various stages - I experienced that too. But your body heals.

Breastfeeding (for those who choose to) may hurt the first couple of weeks but the pain usually goes away with nipple cream, then it gets easier. Help is available.
All in all, pregnancy and childbirth has its ups and downs but there will be moments you will enjoy, hold on to those. Plenty of things to cherish about the jouney 💛 Feel free to add you own positive pregnancy & birth experiences/moments to this thread, or the things you enjoyed
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