Some lessons from Corona the world needs to take

1)Numbers win. Corona multiplies & spreads faster than you care to imagine and before you know it, your country is overwhelmed

2)People know it is spreading but apathy leads them to sleepwalk directly into its deathly embrace

3) There are multiple strains of Corona, some weak, others stronger but each strain strives to dominate the world

4) Once infected, symptoms take time to show up. By then it is too late.

5) Corona wants to destroy you, and if unable to, will at least cause maximum suffering

6) If nothing else, Corona will end up being a drain on your finances.

7) When it spreads in a locality, it forces everyone indoors, and if you want to go out, better cover up.

8) It has its own code of "do and don't" behavior which you must follow if you are to survive.

9) Current evidence shows it affects and harms Christian nations more, though overall it doesn't care about ur race, religion, as long as u submit to it. Its goal is world domination.

10) You know its bad, and you dont want to catch it but once you do, you tend to spread it

11) Those recovered can donate their blood plasma and help others recover. This means healing has to come from within the infected.

If you had read the thread till here, now go up, replace Corona with Islam, and re-read the entire thread again.

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