Guys.. I took my exercise a little too seriously today and I somehow put my back out. I can’t twist my body in either direction and it hurts to breathe in 😥
I’ve made an emergency osteo appointment for tomorrow morning so if I’m feeling better I will get back to you all about any videos requests. Please just bare with me for the next 24 hours 💓
Update on my injury: Part of my spine and one of my ribs is inflamed. I got readjusted and I feel a lot better but still don’t have complete mobility. At least I can breathe without pain today though! Baby steps!
When my osteo felt my neck and shoulders he was mortified by how stiff they were on top of what was already wrong. It turns out the way I’ve been breathing (Incorrectly due to stress) hasn’t helped with my ribs opening up, in fact it’s made it a lot worse.
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