I’m halfway through Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai and man, is this show fucking me up or what
I don’t watch that much anime, I guess compared to most people on this stupid site. But Rascal is very intriguing to me; a romance drama with supernatural elements slightly rooted in aspects of quantum theory.
The science/supernatural stuff is a step above surface level, but still makes for a compelling narrative. The characters are not written in hyperbolic fashion, rather they’re very subdued. As a pair, Sakuta & Mai are playfully sardonic, never afraid to be both wicked and romantic
It also benefits from a solid supporting cast of characters, although the stereotypical clingy little sister trope does threaten to take away from the tone of the show at times.
I think the last time I was invested in a romance series was Nisekoi, but that was ages ago, and a Shonen series, with a lot of the trappings that come with that. The situations in Rascal lean towards extraordinary, but retain a warm, grounded sense of heart and soul.
A couple episodes (of the ones I’ve seen so far) have moved me to tears. I see myself in some of these characters, although I lack the convictions they have. One character in particular opened my eyes to something I should’ve done years ago to help myself.
I think I will revisit this thread once I finish the series to provide any final thoughts I might have.
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