Black Tuesday (The Bahamas): The UBP were manipulating constituency boundaries, suppressing PLP strongholds. The first discussion of the boundary commission was on April 15, 1965. Arthur Hanna and Milo Butler were escorted out after exceeding their allotted speaking times.
When I tell yall Milo and Arthur were riders, they were ready to lay it all on the line for the Bahamian people. According to Randol Fawkes, about 4 officers came for Milo and lifted him out. Then when they only sent 2 for Arthur he was upset that he didn't get 4 too.
So after all this happen right the PLP gone into deeeep meetings okay. When I say deep I mean deep, only the people within those meeting knew what was being planned. Not even the spouses of these people knew but once the public found out their part everything was a go.
On April 27, 1965 people came from ALL corners of the island. They did not disappoint, they were ready to protest and show the UBP that they would not be pushed around.
The Premier even tried to tell the people not to participate. Lol He thought he could've gotten away with it but, I guess he was only trying to keep his citizens safe.
The Premier even made sure that there were police out and they were ready for the crowd control even though he asked the Bahamian people to not come to the protest.
This was big things okay. The people walked to Rawson Square and stayed in the sun, and the spry. Ms. Laura (who was 17 at the time) told me that the rain was like showers of blessings, it just made them even more hype for this big show.
For me I would say that the signs were A1 okay. I loved them all. (maybe because with a little adjustment they are still true now)
These bad boys walked in and BAM ya ded. They were ready to fight for what was right. With the plan in their minds they run up in parliament and dun up the scene.
After Pindling's speech, with multiple extensions I might add, he shouted "...the authority on this island belongs to the people." Then Pindling pitched the mace out the window, once this happened Milo threw the hourglass to follow it.
The crowd went wild when this happened. All of the PLPs then left the house and went downstairs to be with the people. The UBPs were left upstairs scared that the crowd would rush upstairs and attack them. (lol that would've been a sight to see)
After the PLPs went downstairs they rallied up the crowd by telling them what happened inside the House. They decided to clear out of Rawson Square before the Riot Act was read. (The last time it was read before this was in 1942 during The Burma Road Riot)
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