I understand that there is only a certain extent to which each individual may be able to help, but if all you can do is reach out for help, then reach out for help.


That’s how long people knew about Aki living like this in an-
apartment complex. Not a single person stepped up.

If Aki had come to me when she was first noticed, there could’ve been a real possibility of recovery. A real chance for life. Instead, let me list to you the fate she was given because people turned a blind eye
Because “it’s not my responsibility,” Aki took the repercussions. Even though she was no less deserving of having to handle them on her own. Aki was likely hit by a car as an indoor/outdoor cat, as she is not feral. She is loving. She is sweet. This video shows only the obvious
The obvious is that whatever happened has left her back legs paralyzed, but it does not stop there. First, I bathed the 100s of fleas off of her and watched the blood run down the sink and stain my arms. I saw how clearly anemia was taking a toll on her body.
Then I examined the way one paw was completely crushed while the other leg had been made raw all up and down it nearly to the bone from having to drag it along with her
Then I discovered her belly was bloated and hard as rock. Immediately I knew that nerve damage had taken her ability to eliminate on her own. I expressed her and let out potentially days worth of built up urine and feces that had been trapped
I spent the night brushing off fleas, giving fluids and B12, iron supplements, pain meds, and force feeding her food. When she had finally had enough and tried to give a gentle “I’m done” nip, I discovered her teeth where all broken in half...
Finally, I placed her in a warm bed where she immediately curled up, started kneading, ...and purred. She was finally safe.. she could finally rest.

She let me snuggle with her as I’m now left with her fate in my hands. As now I face the fact that the decision of her life has
been placed on my hands. Not those that stood by for over a month. Not those who could have given her a real chance. Not Aki’s, who wanted to live and had everything taken away from her.

Now I will take care of her, because it’s my responsibility to, as it was yours.

This morning Aki had X-Rays done that reveled the fracture in her spine. It revealed her osteoporosis and megacolon and the damage beyond repair. Worst of all, it showed what could have been. It showed the possibility for repair had she been brought in a month earlier...
We approximated her age to be about 10 years old and listened as the doctors gave us the advice we expected, but still dreaded.

The hardest part is that Aki is sweet and Aki is loving. She wants to be held and wants to know affection. I had to listen to her cues and decide if
she was saying “thank you” or “I want to keep going.”

It wasn’t easy, but Aki has spent 10 years of her life being able to walk. Now she can not even use the bathroom on her own. We know much else could be going wrong inside her body that we couldn’t see after having spent a
month barely eating or drinking. This life is not fair to her. She does not deserve this.

So I have decided to take her home for one more night so that she can know love and comfort one last time. She will be fed and cuddled and warm, for one more night...
Tomorrow her journey will end and she will no longer be suffering. I will be by her side so that she will not be abandoned a single other time. Tomorrow we say goodbye to a life that could have been

and I am heartbroken
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