in light of the recent events, lets see what we have... oh! cancelling because of cultural appropriation... what's new? i have to get it out there that cultural appropriation and cultural mockery is never really a huge thing before some problematic whites came and butchered up-
the whole concept. asian countries have a vast variety of culture and it scattered all over mainly because of some history that happened before. because of that, a lot of these cultures are similar in traits and therefore asians grew up learning different cultures all at once-
but as of recent events, people are bringing up cultural appropriation and cultural mockery. what bugs me is how lightly those words are used. like the context doesn't even correlate to the situation you ate implying. firstly know the meanings of the word before using it.
Cultural appropriation, at times also phrased cultural misappropriation, is the adoption of elements of one culture by members of another culture. This can be controversial when members of a dominant culture appropriate from disadvantaged minority cultures.
Mockery or mocking is the act of insulting or making light of a person or other thing, sometimes merely by taunting, but often by making a caricature, purporting to engage in imitation in a way that highlights unflattering characteristics.
im sure many artists have done cultural appropriation but I've rarely seen people doing cultural mockery. cultural appropriation here is mostly refering to how one would use others culture and label it as their own. like the Kim Kardashian and her 'kimono' wear.
if you are imitating out of interest, but still hold respect and acknowledging the culture and its origin, there is nothing wrong with it. cultural mockery on the other hand happens a lot everywhere and how people nitpick which to talk about is baffling to me.
Islamphobia? not only it's disregarding a religion on its own but the cultures along with it. the 'n' word, stereotypical east asian as 'ching chong', it's highly disrespectful and its borderline racism in its finest. its funny how it's still going on and people dont seem to care
another thing that people like to do is cancelling. even the slightest bit of mistake, we cancel someone. like i came into a fandom to spread love, not awareness?? why are we cancelling people left and right? i understand if they should be but it's getting out of hand and this-
needs to be stopped. firstly educate yourself on what is what. don't just straight out cancel someone when you yourself aren't qualified to do so. you're only doing it because the majority are and it seems 'right' when it might not. secondly, stop misusing words that don't-
correlate with the situation. in the at**z's case, ch**gha's case, j**nie's case, they were just doing something that might have resembled other cultures but maybe they are, maybe they aren't. they weren't being disrespectful or disregarding the culture. which leads to thirdly-
never be too quick to judge someome. this applies to everything really. if an artist doesn't live up to your standards, you labelled them as something. like the j**nie and l*a incident, the word 'lazy' is used so frequently when maybe they were struggling with personal problems?
maybe they weren't so confident about facing their fans that backlashes them for eveything they do or say? idols are now insecure because of fans like this. kpop has grown worldwide but the minds of the fandoms are still narrow. please be more open and look in another perspective
end of thread... maybe...
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