post 4 fictional characters that mean something significant to you and nominate 5 people! (yes i count crybaby)
@ idk if any of my other friends are on twt so um anyone who sees thisi
i wanna do explanations cause harley seems problematic:
1. i relate to janis on multiple different levels because we've been through a lot of similar stuff and her story as a whole helped me drop someone who's been treating me wrong for 9 yrs so thats why shes number 1.
2. harley helped me get through a lot of emotional stuff that was going on a few years ago, her character always manages to make me smile and i really just love her and her story. she also helped me come to terms with my sexuality when i found out she was bisexual so theres that.
3. nadia vulvokov has helped me with a lot when it comes to mental health. the show as a whole taughg me a lot of different things, helped me come to terms with stuff i've experienced that isn't normal. that feeling sad and wanting to die, isn't normal.
4. crybaby, i've basically grown up with crybaby as a character. seeing her story and experience is also one of the things thats impacted me so greatly. i relate to her on alot of different levels because of how emotional she is. going from 3rd grade to high school listening to h
er story has helped me come to terms with growing up and how im changing throughout my teen years.
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