Poetry 101: How to convert your inane prose into modern poetry in quick time. Just split the sentence and write one below the other. Voila.
Fan Bois appreciation tweet thread...

1. We are also saying that only but permanently. And you didn't say which family.
2. Yeah and say what to mom? Her periyarist flings?
3. This perhaps the second important discovery after wheel was invented. As if we all wake up to old mornings.
4. No doubt about that. The que is longer. Just turn back and see how long. Why am I thinking in Freudian terms always. My brain is clouded now.
5. We know da...just move side y'all..will you. Let the air come in.
6. APA study shows there's a correlation between the efficacy of psychiatric intervention and road traffic.
7. Dei.. she's been hanging for very long time. Go and get her off the cliff.
8. I know what you are doing there Akheel..wink wink oink oink...Muqaala Muqaabula...leila..oh leila.
9. Don't ever dare to think you can take the place of Aussie Brumbz Ram. Your name itself shows what a misogynist you are. Change it to Arrahman. Then maybe you will be lucky Ali.
10. Esakiappan mode.
11. Yeah..with u, by u, in u, on u, under u, behind u.. what a multi modal, multi pronged support looks like.
12. Is this ok da shiva?
Now am exhausted appreciating ...aurevoir..
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