1. Hannity references the Punishers' debut in Marvel comics.
A few thoughts: https://twitter.com/stormypatriot21/status/1252420011139887109
2. #129
A rare comic, for a few reasons. but here's what's interesting to me.
1. The Punisher is out to kill Spiderman in this episode.
3. Because of the villainous Jackal, the Punisher thinks SpiderMan killed someone he didn't. Spiderman tries to convince him otherwise.

A rare occurrence is the fact that Spiderman is confronted with someone who he realizes isn't a villain, but is willing to kill.
4. President Trump also mentioned the number 129 recently. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1250605077372469250?s=20
5. Q 129
Impossible to clean.
6. Only fair to check in on the CIA.
After all, they're always checking in on me. https://twitter.com/CIA/status/1250837870102921216?s=20
7. What does it all mean?
Don't know.
But :
-Hannity was also wearing a pin supporting our ABCs'
-POTUS mentioned [they] (Fox?) was in it for ratings.
-Both agencies have a lot to lose if Durham (Punisher) indictments are involving either of them.
8. Also of note:

In episode #129, the name of the Punisher is not yet revealed.

Frank Castle.
Who in a lot of ways is not really a hero, but a vicious vigilante, albeit with good intentions.
Which is why I find this an interesting comic.
9. Trump also refers to our Red'Castle' friends, the corps of engineers.
10. I can only hope they are working on killing this 'spider' web.
A tunnel webwork of of drugs, guns and human trafficking.
Brought to you by the letters ABC.
11. Stay tuned. https://twitter.com/BeholdIsrael/status/1252330966972071936?s=20
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