People have called me a nuisance, and crap because we criticize the government in a time of crisis. I have lost some people I considered friends because I asked Mabrook few hard questions (I guess they weren't my friends after all). I have been harassed by liberals on Twitter.
I have been called more than one name! But here is the truth! I don't give a crap!

A government is made up humans, all human traits are equally true to a government. A government is fallible, is flawed, is prone to corruption, greed and even mismanagement as we all are!
A government needs oversight. And this government which has all the media in its hands, a Majilis that is as ignorant and as useless as any before, a weak opposition without any meaningful power the only oversight available is the ability to ask questions.
Even when we harshly criticised the government for mistakes, we were calling people to respect governmental decisions, we were explaining the importance of following those rules.
We will continue digging, we will continue criticising but we will also call people to obey rules we will not call people to go out and protest. Unlike some we won't be on the street trying to overthrow the government.
I will defend my work because we have done work that is worthy of defense! And compare the above mentioned articles and other articles by any other media in Maldives and tell me that we are crap after that! If you're going to call my work crap at least read our work!
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