Fam, I'm upset about a lot of things too, but your fatalism is prob more toxic to others than it is to you. Don't sow poison where hope could otherwise be cultivated. Rest up and be gentle with yourself until you are ready to act as tho it is possible to change the world.
We don't have the right to give up on other people. We will never have that right. That means that if hope up and dies, you have to resuscitate that bitch.
I get it. When I read that shit about how we could've prevented 90% of these losses if we had locked down 2 weeks earlier, I was torn up inside. It still hurts. But when despair starts to creep in, I tell it to fuck off bc it's an indulgence I cannot afford. And neither can you.
We have a lot to grieve & we need to do that together in order to stay connected and to maintain our own humanity in a time of mass death. But we cannot surrender to despair. Despair is where action and hope go to die, and I don't know about you, but I never say die.
So I will keep making things that I think might be useful, tossing them up in the air & hoping they can fly. And y'all need to decide what your part in all of this is & get to it. Or just take care of you until you are ready to do so. And maybe drink some water & get some sleep.
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