A Thread.

Y'all remember in Roots when Kunta ran away and they cut off his foot? And remember how that plantation was supposed to be the one all the enslaved Africans preferred to be sold to because the owner of the plantation was a nice white man?
Well, he still ordered Kunta's foot chopped off when he tried to escape.

So when y'all tell me how a white person can't be racist because they've been nice to you, I think about Kunta. The man who enslaved him was nice to him and still kept him in bondage. He didn't yell..
He fed him relatively well, and he spoke to him fairly gently, but when Kunta dared dream he could be free, that nice white man reminded him that nice and good are not mutually inclusive.

I don't care whether white people smile at me. I couldn't give any less of a fuck whether..
they make small talk. And I surely don't care whether they treat me "relatively" well because I know if they ever believe I'm willing to do anything for the freedom they try to deny me, they'll feign reluctance when they order my foot chopped off..
And sleep soundly with a free conscience because they "had to do it."

I don't give a fuck whether Marietjie brings donuts for the office once a month or whether she compliments you on pics of your kids. What Marietjie gotta say on returning the land?
Is she at the "white" school raising hell because Black kids being unfairly suspended for wearing their NATURAL hair? Is she teaching her kids to raise hell when they witness injustice and racism? Is she disowning her grandparents for calling the maid a "Kaff1r"?
So, yeah, nice white people don't impress or endear me. They still operate, administer and profit from the system that oppresses me. And if they're obsessed with being nice, it tells me they don't want to offend and destroy white supremacy, which to me, is offensive as fuck.

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