I really don't feel like the word "trans" perfectly describes my identity.

The main reason is that, compared to the commonly known trans experiences and struggles, mine are only a fraction of that.

I dunno how to explain this well, but I will try to do so in this thread.
If you take a few moments to see, you'll notice that the enby experience is very similar to the trans experience as a whole. Acknowledging this, I get why people would classify being nonbinary as being trans, but I don't feel that this is... Correct for me?
Most trans people experience their struggles as a more body/identity thing, where my experience has to do alot with identity, and not body at all.

I can relate with being misgendered, or being called a name you threw away for one that you chose for yourself, but that's it.
To give you a visual, it's like... Diet coke vs. Normal coke. Sure, they're both the same, they come from the same brand... But one of them has significantly less sugar than the other one, and that makes it inherently different in its nature in my eyes.
This isn't to say that I think that trans/nonbinary identities are invalid! I just think that the trans category just doesn't fit me.

I prefer if people would just say "nonbinary individual" or "queer person", or something along those lines. I'm fine with these terms.
I hope that i didn't screw up my explanation, and that it's perfectly understandable.
Going off from this, I said most trans people. I recognize that there are some trans people that don't really struggle with bodily disphoria, and I'm sorry if this caused some confusion! https://twitter.com/DutchieGoNyah/status/1252437601715437568?s=19
Something that people need to understand is that the LGBTQ+ is much more nuanced than the terms and categories we choose to best describe ourselves.

Someone, in my own shoes, would use the trans category to identify themselves. That's fine!
Other nonbinary people, who don't even identify as any gender, still use "gay", "homosexual", or even "lesbian" to describe their own sexuality. That's also valid!
I just feel that you don't have to pick out every category in hopes that it best describes you, when every person & every case are different in many ways.

This is also my opinion on terms like "bisexual-lesbian", which is a completely different topic that exists, somehow.
Anyways, yeah, end of thread haha

Hope you liked reading it??? idk
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