To be clear: There is no indication there's an actual EO coming; and, if there is, we don't know what will be in it.

But what if it does come? Someone asked me if it would be legal. My answer: It doesn't matter. 1/4
Last month, the administration began flagrantly breaking US law by summarily deporting asylum seekers (including unaccompanied children) on the border. The courts and Congress haven't reacted yet.

Refugee law is unambiguous. But it's being broke as we speak. 2/4
How? The DHS and the US's entire immigration system has indicated that it is prepared to execute whatever policy comes out of the Miller Oval Office. Ban Muslims? Sure. Separate families? Sure. There's no reason to believe they won't carry out this policy as long as they can 3/4
And w/ the courts & Congress in disarray, I can't say with confidence we'll see any serious response before Nov. It's a slippery slope that arguably began with the Muslim Ban-turned-Travel Ban: The admin has realized there's no force that can react quick enough to stop it. 4/4
But again. This might just be—and honestly probably is—Trump just late-night Tweeting. There's been no leaks or indications that a major immigration policy has been in the works.
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