Donald Trump is using the plague to re-enact the last scene of The Godfather...

Which one is getting shot in the eye through the glasses?
Screw on your tinfoil hats and follow along here:

China bit the hand

They've enjoyed 30 years as the privileged source of American outsourcing, but they pushed too far

America is looking for a new third-world source of cheap labor
India is an option

But relative to China

They're expensive

And why would the American oligarchy put all their eggs in one basket again?

We learned that lesson

So what are the options long-term for cheap labor near existing shipping lanes?

North Korea looks pretty nice
A starving, oppressed population

A soft dictator who is still young and stupid

Older military leaders who are sick of his shit

They'd play ball if the right deal came along

Riches and security and stability

In exchanged for normalized relations and cheap labor
Think of it

Tons of easy labor for our friends in South Korea to exploit

(you know they'd have to be in on this anyway)

A nuclear threat taken off the table

An adversary that becomes a buffer ally between China and S. Korea

Manufacturing capability restored, at a fixed price
Now, Jose mentions Maduro

That's a twist

And a smart one

Latin American labor makes sense

Not only for manufacturing

But for services

Closer to our time zone

More Americans speak Spanish than Korean

Very convenient for call centers and trade goods
This could be a coincidence

Or it could be a magnificent coup de grace

Two antagonists become corporate vassal states

China gets left holding the bag

And the rest of the world learns a lesson

America always comes out on top
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