Since one of my friend asked my opinion about this, i would make a thread about:

Do we need to feel bad for doing bub on someone?

It is pure based from my opinion. Feel free to give your own opinion towards my thread
Even tho I know I'm only talking by myself lmao
It's all about your comfort, and your privacy. It is normal to feel bad to do bub, I did feel bad. But when i think about it more, which one is more important? Your comfort and your privacy or your "bad feeling"?
Try to put yourself on that position.
If you're the one whom is getting bub, how would you feel? For me, i would get a bit offense. But in the other way, i could totally understand why would they do that to me.
Again, it's all about feelings. You can't push your own feeling towards someone. And that is way too normal.
As we're getting older, we will get boundaries. And me, as a 19 y.o woman, I already got my own boundaries.
Like how I behave towards my family, my friends, stranger, and towards myself. Guess what, I put so many hidden feelings, hidden habits, and hidden behaviour. I can be crazy, when I'm alone. Which means, I only feel fully comfortable with my own self.
Not adding you on my close friends (Instagram features) doesn't mean i don't know you, doesn't mean im not one of your friend. Im still, but im filtering people.
So at the end, i would still choose to do bub on someone for the sake of my comfort.
The end of thread lmao
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