I know i don't really tweet "politcal" shit for the most part but i'm gonna try my hand at responding to this woman's points throughout her thread https://twitter.com/utdgeorgia/status/1251936867471233024
starting off, i'm gonna talk about some of my personal merits and identity. I am a cis white male who is still in highschool, so i am by definition very far from many of the various identities in this thread. i am a left leaning person, and i agree with a lot of feminist talking-
-points. I agree with the idea that there is a difference between jokes about oppressors vs oppresed

Also i apologize to my 11 followers who might see this, i'm mostly just screaming into the void right now
However, i think that this person just gets many facts wrong, starting with video first, the woman in the video says that 'There are no harmful stereotypes about men." This-
-is untrue possibly the largest stereotype surrounding men is the idea that all men want is sex. On the surface, this may not seem harmful, but this idea does make it harder for some men to form platonic bonds with women. There are a couple other stereotypes in place, like
men being big, strong providers, and while this may have been perpetrated by toxic masculinity, but it's still a harmful stereotype which leads to less traditionally masculine men struggling with various parts of their identity and self worth, i know i have.
Moving to her actual comments, this one makes me question the logic behind this statement https://twitter.com/utdgeorgia/status/1252328466479022081
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