Let’s talk about abortion! More specifically, the repulsive appropriation and deracialization of the atrocities of history to abortion as used by #ProLife advocates, and how disrespectful and offensive they are.
Allow me to start off by saying that I have known advocates on both sides of this topic who would never impose their beliefs onto another adult human. They're rational folks, able to engage in honest discourse without using emotional appeals or outrageous and untrue analogies.
One of the most abused appropriations of history used by prolifers is the comparison of abortion to slavery. Labouring under the delusion that they speak for the innocent, voiceless & helpless, they revoke the agency of women, black women in particular, in one single stroke.
Why? Because black women are sentient humans capable of wants, feelings and thoughts of their own, right? Nah, they need white folks to speak for them and make decisions on their reproductive healthcare for them, yet again! 🙄

Yes, I said white folks.
Comparing abortion to slavery is a rhetoric that’s been used since the 60’s, not only to perpetuate misogynoir but also as an attempt to shame women by reminding them of the atrocities of slavery and its former legal status (“slavery was legal once” should ring a bell).
Equating abortion to slavery ignores the actual histories of mothers during slavery. For black women, the analogy equates them to slave owners, the unborn to a slave, and their uteruses likened to the fertile grounds for their liberation - a traumatizing and nauseating notion.
Once again, black women are told their dreams, goals, their very lives, are unimportant; their wombs will bring forth future revolutionaries and thus belong to the community. They're told they lack agency and the capability to decide if, when, how or with whom they have children.
Prolifers who use slavery to support their stance quickly forget (if they knew at all) that Black women were essentially fleshlights, reduced to mere incubators for their masters, and the products of their wombs were a source of money, free labour and success - for white folks.
The common prolife phrase on billboards, “Black children are an endangered species,” specifically classifies black children as a species and denies them their humanity by likening them to animals, much like the rhetoric used to justify slavery.

Almost like an abuse tactic...
These prolifers don’t understand the very serious implications of revoking access to abortion for black women in a society that still doesn't value them. They don’t see black women. Or any woman with a mind of her own. Women are merely vessels for birthing extraordinary progeny.
Another outrageous comparison to abortion is the Holocaust. Prolife extremists gleefully diminish the gravity of a genocide that resulted in the murders of millions of non Aryan people by comparing it to the millions of “babies” that have been “murdered for convenience.”
They claim that abortion is about the targeted hatred towards the unborn, and essentially imply that anyone who supports abortion is advocating for all pregnancies to be terminated. 🙄

Yea, that's not at all how this works. Prochoice isn't about eradicating every single zef.
Like the slavery comparison, the Holocaust analogy started shortly before RvW and gained traction through use of emotional appeals and graphic images.

But what prolifers fail to comprehend is that the Holocaust was never about life, or even personal freedom.
The Holocaust was a genocide, an extermination, an ethnic cleansing of an entire group of people that was deemed not “Aryan” enough to be part of the human race. To compare that monstrosity to ANYTHING other than the absolute, utter annihilation of Jewish people is sheer madness.
But yet again, prolifers continue to elevate personified fetuses to reverent status by comparing them to the tortured and decimated victims of Auschwitz, and thus equating pregnant woman even *thinking* about abortion, to…...Nazis.
Prolifers who use the Holocaust to support their position have strikingly similar attitudes to the Nazis.

Yes, the same Nazis who were all about breeding their way into a pure race.

The pale skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed, Aryan race.
The very same Nazis that sought to utilize totalitarian control over the population of Germany, and by extension, the world. They had no qualms about raping and impregnating Jewish women in concentration camps and then performing procedures on them without any anesthesia.
It comes as no surprise that Jews are traditionally against any form of control over women’s bodies. To do so is an assault on human dignity, for a woman’s life comes first and foremost.

That includes the presumed life of the unborn.
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