Today I am going to highlight the Pallas's Cat! Similar to the Tibetan Fox, they have a face designed for memes.

But instead of looking like bad taxidermy, they are the CHONK whiskery grandpa of cats, with only 2 modes:
Pallas's cat, also known as the manul, call the grasslands and steppes of central Asian home. While not endangered they are "near threatened" primarily due to habitat destruction, although hunting of them is legal in Mongolia.

They are not fast, so use ambush to catch their prey
Pallas cats are good round bois, perhaps best described as an "absolute unit"
This is because they have the longest and densest fur of any cat to help keep them warm on snow or frozen ground.

In reality, they are about 5-10 pounds, or, the size of a small to medium housecat.
Another unusual fact is the incredibly short mating season of the pallas cat due to females being in estrus for only 26 to 42 hours! Along with a high mortality rate for kittens has made breeding difficult for zoos.
But when kittens are born, it is C U T E

Pallas cats are very elusive in the wild, so enjoy this lovely video of a couple of them playing, and moving around.

And here is a website for some additional information if you'd like to learn more!
Pallas's cat is my favorite small cat, and I hope these photos and videos build some appreciation of them for you, too!
Since this thread is getting many re-tweets...I am an animal artist who lost most of my yearly income due to Covid-19, and instead of just spamming my shop link, I'm going to be highlighting items daily along with fun facts or stories! Hope you enjoyed!
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