We went into lockdown on the premise that we needed to shut down everything for a short break, in order to ensure that the health care system would not be overwhelmed, and to protect our health care workers.

Consider where we are now. https://twitter.com/dcwoodruff/status/1251967877848195073
Consider the sacrifices being made to keep the system from being overwhelmed. https://mobile.twitter.com/BDSixsmith/status/1252264896370282503
Consider that instead of a brief pause to prevent the system from being overwhelmed, we are now told that we should stay closed until an unclear testing goal, which might be 3.5 times where we are now or 15 times, is met, with no plan to achieve that. https://mobile.twitter.com/cmyeaton/status/1252200083438940162
Consider what else is going on in the world.
Cynicism is now cheaper even than oil.
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