Do English elementary schools teach formal grammar (as opposed to, I guess, just casually having kids absorb grammar rules through language acquisition)? I went to a French school and we did a LOT of grammar but then at English high school it seemed like my peers had not
This feels like a question for @GretchenAMcC: is English just less ..... grammar-oriented? (That’s probably the wrong way to phrase it!)
I’m curious because my kid is hitting the beginning of the grammar phase in grade school and I am having flashbacks to being drilled on tenses. Lots of rote memorization! So much plus-que-parfait!
I also remember that in one of the Little House books Laura had to diagram sentence and I was like “wtf is happening right now” (I still couldn’t do that if you paid me real cash dollars)
Also now that I think about it, I was very fuzzy on what the object and subject of a sentence were until I took Latin and we had to learn to decline nouns
(I actually really liked Latin grammar, it was very tidy and organized. Unlike some languages I could name)
A thing I am learning from this thread is that diagramming sentences is a particularly american thing! (Growing up in Canada, you never really know if something you absorbed through pop culture is american, british, or specific to canada, or, rarely, all three)
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