So one of the comments I got on my NSF proposal was that my Broader Impacts section was too vague. That it "is missing a concrete plan of specific activities to promote broader impact that the PI would use the funds to support." And I'm sort of confused about this.
I wrote, in my broader impacts section, that I've done things like: mentored and supported students from underrepresented groups, organized mental health support events for graduate students, written expository material on inaccessible topics,...
..., prioritized representation of underrepresented groups in the multiple conferences and workshops I've organized, given money to the AWM, and other stuff that I'm forgetting. And I wrote that I plan on continuing to do such things.
What kind of specific things are NSF reviewers looking for in this realm? I definitely can't say I would use the grant to organize a conference, or support a grad student RA, or a postdoc, because it's simply not enough money.
Also I'm a postdoc myself, so I can't exactly have graduate students!
This thread is NOT about me saying the reviewer is wrong. This thread is me asking what kind of specific things can be done beyond what I'm doing. Pledging to regularly attend AWM meetings?
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