Today is the 30th Anniversary of the Fire Emblem series. A series that I love and will forever hold dear to my heart for as long as I live!

I will make a little thread about how I got into FE and my time and memories with some of the games! (BELOW)
I first found out about Fire Emblem through playing my uncle's copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee when I was around 7 or 8; where I got to play as Marth and Roy. Roy ended up becoming my main and years later I would hear that FE was a series only in Japan so I never pursued it.
Brawl came out and introduced Ike. I wondered what had happened to Roy but accepted Ike's inclusion and never really looked up what FE games the character's came from.
A demo and trailer came out regarding a game called Fire Emblem Awakening, I tried the demo for a bit but I didn't have much to say, it was a bit fun but that was about it.
The moment where everything changed: On July 14th, 2014 I would see the trailer for Robin and Lucina's reveal in Smash 4 during one of the Directs. That night I remembered I once played the demo for Awakening and that same night a friend and I went to Walmart to get FE:Awakening
I played Awakening so much and still have the Avatar I used to beat the game the first time. I have characters such as Henry and Libra who are some of my all time favorites!
in 2015 we got a trailer for a new Fire Emblem game. Later we would find out it was called Fire Emblem iF in Japan but get it teased in the west.

I was obsessed with iF and would listen to the Japanese version of Lost in Thoughts alone very day for about a year (pt1)
(pt2) Every Night I would listen to the Japanese crit quotes of all the characters. I would try to find every little bit of information of the new characters (without spoiling myself)

I also once won a little give away and won a drawing of my avatar but in keychain form!
2016 rolled around and Fire Emblem Fates (Fates in the west) was released and I was excited! I remember not going to school that day and started to go on youtube to listen to the confirmed voice actors as well as the translated names for some of the new characters (part 1)
(pt.2) I had this amazing breakfast burrito (not important but I remember I was excited to play it while eating some good food lmao)

Forgot to mention that I got the Limited Edition 3DS with it as well as the free key chains, both games and all of the DLC including the 3rd game
So Fates was my favorite game and currently still is my favorite game of all time!

This @ Dusknohr was inspired by iF/Fates: A character called Ophelia (Dusk) and the (Dusk) Dragon. (Nohr)/Conquest happened to be my favorite of the 3!
Putting it all together Dusknohr was created
In 2017 Fire Emblem Heroes came out and is currently the Mobile game I pretty much play!

2019 Fire Emblem Three Houses was released and that game was Phenomenal! I put over 200+ hours playing all the routes and trying new builds for Byleth!
Other mentions where I got Sacred Stones, Shadows of Valentia and was able to play Warriors. I still have tons of other FE games to play tho
Finally, Fire Emblem isn't just about the games but the community and voice actors alike. In January of this year, I went to @animeimpulse and got to meet a bunch of the voice actors from three houses like: @SimplyAllegra @JoeBrogie @WritingMadness and they were all so (pt1)
(pt2) Kind and sweet and gave me tons of inspiration to do my best not just in acting but in everything I do. Meeting such kind people like them really just made my entire experience and made my love for this series grow even more! (I appreciate them all so much!)
Lastly, I hope to be more involved in the FE community and really just am happy to have found a series with so many amazing people wether it's cosplayers or voice actors or even FE Youtubers (I'm looking at you guys @Pheonixmaster1 @ghaaast @luckycritgaming)
I love Fire Emblem!
and HAPPY 30TH ANNIVERSARY!!!! I cannot wait to see what the future will hold!


(My whole FE story could be much much longer but I just wanted to stick to the main points so this thread wasn't too too long)
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