It’s a really hard time for people who are chronically ill and disabled because so much of our medical care is put on hold indefinitely and causing a lot of us to go backwards in progress or stalling our diagnoses.
Lots of people, myself included, were finally so close to getting to those important appointments and treatments that we have been waiting months or even years for.
Lots of people, myself included, aren’t seeking the same level of care for certain medical issues because we are too scared to step foot in a hospital right now.
One bright side in this, though, is that I can have appointments with my GP over the phone from the comfort of my bed instead of having to sit in pain in waiting rooms for hours just to get a prescription refilled or to ask a simple question.
I really hope that virtual doctors appointments can remain an option after all of this, especially for chronically ill & disabled people who spend so many hours of our lives at appointments and who have to figure out the logistics of getting to and from them.
I’m very sad about the delay in some highly anticipated appointments for me, but truly loving that some of my other appointments have become way more accessible for my needs and that prescriptions can regularly be called in to pharmacies now. 👏
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