In my immediate family I had 3 medical cases that were missed by doctors:
-stage III colon cancer (my mom)
-neurological complication post surgery (me)
-familial pancreatic cancer (brother in law)
This is scary, people, because none were difficult diagnoses of rare diseases 1/
Mom had iron deficiency anemia: googled it. In the elderly, it is a clear indication of smth serious gastrointestinal. Her dr told her to eat spinach!We paid for a colonoscopy: turns out it's advanced cancer.

Mine was scarier (obsv also b/c I was sick while figuring it out) 2/
I became disabled at 36 after what was supposed to be a standard surgery. Couldn't walk, sit, let alone work or exercise. Lost weight, was 90 lbs probably dying slowly. Doctors sent me home on opioids, said I'm just sensitive to surgery. Looked it up and went abroad to fix it.3/
Brother in law's both dad and brother died of pancreatic cancer. Obvious move: genetic testing. Nope, nobody suggested it. We did it. Turns out they have a BRCA1 mutation, now looking into how we can maybe do something to catch it early for my brother in law.4/
And these are only the deadly, straightforward ones.

But doctors also missed my daughter's sleep apnea&a particular form of OCD in my other daughter.Also I didn't listen to their allergy advice when my baby daughter had a reaction and I think I dodged it with exposure therapy 5/
Pretty sure these medical misses are systemic but it almost seems like they shouldn't be that hard to fix?

Are people thinking about this? @rivatez?

Not to mention inept af management of metabolic disease, with medication and wrong advice about diet & exercise
cc: @Mangan150
Imagine we could innovate to fix these cracks. How would "building" here even look like?
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