I just came home from a 12 hour shift as a nurse in an ER to read more news about “anti-stay-at-home” protests. I have to say, after working today to save as many people as I possibly could, and also making sure that I keep myself safe while caring for them, I have some thoughts.
First off - this is a quarantine to keep everyone safe. Yes, I know it is inconvenient not to be able to get your hair colored and cut, and I also understand that it is difficult to cut and color your own nails. I also feel that is important. I do, truly.
But you know what I think is even more important? People’s lives. Yes, I believe that a life is so much more precious than your hair, or your nails. Or anything else, for that matter.
And you know what I saw today? I saw people - actual sick people - who looked into my mask covered face with fear. And I told them “you are going to be ok” as I tried my hardest to bring their pulse ox above 90 and keep them comfortable as they coughed and couldn’t breath.
So the next time you want to “protest”, please, stay 6 feet apart. Because it is not YOU who will have to take care of all of the people you inadvertently infect with this terrible virus. It is I - and all of my amazing coworkers.
Because even though I can’t stop you from being an idiot, the people you infect just might die from this - and that means you become a murderer just by being an idiot. And that, to me, is unforgivable.
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