Not at all certain how nationalizing the oil industry NOW, and inheriting all of its asset retirement obligations (which of course it has been putting off dealing with for decades) is better than holding them legally and financially liable for all that damage + funding transition
What I worry about is that with nationalization we'd run the risk of politicians deciding we need to keep running those drills. Like ... look around, how much do you trust the vast majority of the Democratic party to equitably shut down fossil fuels never mind the GOP?
Kinda seems like the time for nationalization has passed. BUT I will read more and am happy to be schooled by anyone who wants to explain why that's wrong and why America would definitely act differently than Russia, Saudi, etc.
Don't get me wrong, it's clearly a moment in which transition would be more feasible than many (maybe any) moment in the past. I've been saying that for months, and don't need a lecture on it. BUT that could happen w/out the U.S. gov, which is in its own tailspin, being in charge
I guess what I'm saying is take their money not their oil fields? Seems like a surer bet for leaving fossil fuels in the ground
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