After ~5 hours of analysis, I have determined that the trailer for #SheRa Season 5 will be released this Friday, April 24th.

✨Thread! (I did math!)✨
SO okay through counting the number of days in between season announcements (again, defined as us being given a date of release), trailer drops, and season releases, there is virtually no consistency BUT today I had a break through because I considered percentages.
What percent of the length between announcement and release is around 60% to 80%, and since we know the length of that gap already, that puts the earliest drop date *this wednesday* and the latest *the wednesday after that.*
All good, and fits in the two-week time frame that Noelle has given us. But what day will it drop? This I turned to Dreamworks' She-Ra Instagram, where again, everything is inconsistent, but overall, Fridays are most common, with Tuesday looking a little suspicious.
Counting the number of posts, obligated or not (which I defined in an earlier tweet not in this thread), was a waste of time and now my brain is fried.

IN CONCLUSION: There’s convincing evidence that the trailer for Season 5 will be released this Friday.

✨I need to lie down.✨
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