Cham Facts Regarding Flick: Contrary to popular misconceptions, chameleons do not choose their color. It's more similar to blushing, but also reacts to temperature, hormones, and sunlight. Flick, with 3 horns, is a Jackson's chameleon, but they only come in shades of green (1/)
(and neighboring turquoise and yellow, and p. much all chameleons will turn these to black and white when in a bad mood). So why red? Let's look at the character heavily implied to be Flick's father. Notice an absence of horns and how he's green. But he lacks a veil 🤔 (2/)
Remember how I said we know Flick is a Jackson's because of the horns? Well, most chams are dimorphic, and here is a pic of a female Jackson's chameleon. Conclusion: Flick's dad, Nat, is trans. :) (3/)
Alternatively, he is a panther chameleon, which actually does come in red, yellow, blue, turquoise, and a little bit of green! So he and Flick would be a palette swap. But I prefer the former because these colors are such a missed opportunity! Thanks 😊 (4/4)
Oh, haha, and Nat's nose is smooth like a Jackson's while the snout of a Panther's slightly protrudes. :)
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