The faster the rush reopening, the faster they can rollback such as eviction deferments and utility shutoff suspensions etc

And the faster they can make a case that such things are no longer needed.

When the next wave of deaths hit, there will be no magnanimous single $1,200
When the next wave of deaths hit, the current paltry measures to keep people alive will be hard to continue, let alone expand.

Because "we tried that, and look what happened."
There will be no second check worth exactly 4 weeks of federal minimum wage. Utility shutoffs and evictions will be allowed. Social safety cuts that had been planned, will resume.

And despite an even higher death toll, it will be harder to reinstitute or expand them than now
I fully expect the next few weeks and months to be everything we've currently seen, magnified. With even more opposition to measures that keep people alive.
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