GWINNETT COUNTY FRIENDS!!!! here is a thread of some covid-19 related guidelines for you, coming straight to you from an *essential worker*
(1) as of today, April 20, there are 18947 cases and 733 deaths in the state of Georgia. Obviously, Gwinnett is an extremely populated county.. and a higher population = a higher concentration of 'rona cases.
(2) in GA, all non essential businesses are closed, restaurant dining rooms are shut down, and curfews are put into place. These precautions are AMAZING things!! But, as of today there has been widespread talk of our progress rapidly going downhill as we reopen everything.
(30) I work in a restaurant, and hearing that my dining room is going to be reopened is SO SCARY! We all know that we haven't reached 'rona's 2nd wave, which is going to be greater and way more deadly than the 1st. Ex: virus's like the Spanish Influenza from the early 1900's
(4) there is nothing we as a community can really do as of now to influence the governments decisions, but we can band together to make sure we are staying as safe as possible!!
(5), so here are a couple of things YOU can do to protect yourself and others. Try not to go in public. That's a given. But, if you need to, be smart about it. Wear a face mask so that you dont breathe out anything harmful. Anytime you see a sink? WASH YOUR HANDS!
(6) Here is an important one... WEAR GLOVES. and, no, I dont mean reusable ones. I better not be CATCHING yall in gardening gloves. BUY LATEX OR SIMILAR ONE TIME USE GLOVES! and CHANGE them after each store/after each interaction with a new person. this ensures that your hands...
(7)... are actually a clean and corona free surface to be touching things with. that being said, touch as little as possible. that's a big one. you dont know who is going to pick up what you touched.
(8) moving on to quarantining. I myself stopped working for two weeks and isolated myself from as many people as possible. Unfortunately, not many people have this luxury. This just casts a light on how important it is to have cleanliness as a priority.
(9) (as well as practicing social distancing) things to do while isolated: clean your house, binge watch tv, read books you never had time for, plant some flowers, cook, talk a walk, call you family/friends. one thing I really want to stress is staying on top of your...
(10) ...mental health. Our situation sucks for everyone. It's okay to have some lazy days, but try to be aware of how youre feeling. Stay on top of it. Find a routine, and stick with it. Do things that make u feel good.
(11) to my fellow college students: ONLINE CLASSES SUCK! its so hard to find motivation. But here is something I did that helped.. email your professors. Let them know how ur doing. Tell them if ur not doing good. Most of them CARE and UNDERSTAND & WILL GIVE U EXTENSIONS!!!!
(12) All that being said, what I dont wanna see is anyone hating on how people are coping and living their lives, as long as theyre being safe. Ex, my friend got mad at me for going to the park with my bf. I WORK WITH MY BF.. I SEE HIM ANYWAYS! most ppl arnet stupid & are...
(13)... taking extreme precautions. Just stay positive and clean and be understanding of other people's situations. Im not saying go to a party or anything. But, its okay to spend free time with people u already see at work for your mental health's sake. Dont let others...
(14)... make you feel guilty when youre doing everything right. Now that that is out of the way, let's talk about things specific to Gwinnett.
(16) here is a link about how to get tested. GET TESTED IF U SHOW ANY SYMPTOMS. FOR YOUR SAFETY AND FOR OTHER'S. 
(17) okay yall that is pretty much everything I have to say about corona right now. If anyone has any additional information they would like to share, please reply to this thread. Stay safe and healthy, everyone! <3
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